Saturday 15 October 2011


Is the irish friend I met in Tanga a while back. He's a 50 something year old, 6 ft, voluntary teacher from Galway and I love him! He is hilarious, he's got the craic like! He's been staying with me in Masaki and we haven't stopped talking, well we did when the blackberry services were down as i was having a nightmare trying to sort out my visa ( which was due to expire ) and also my KLM flight back to Glasgow.

It is a Godsend having Jim around. He is a wonderful human being.
He leaves tomorrow to hang out in Zanzibar for a few weeks before returning home to Ireland.
He has been here for a year and has spent a bit of time in Dar. He walks eveywhere ( with his hands behind his back ) and has been showing me all around Dar on foot. Some interesting sites!

He is super well versed in film, literature and general knowledge and is super duper naturally funny.
I would love to get him on Mastermind, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire or something like it.
He is brilliant and I've made a promise to visit him in Galway... and I don't make promises I can't keep!

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