Friday, 29 July 2011

The Sunday Mail

My friend Billy Sloan, the legendary Billy Sloan is leaving the newspaper today after decades of writing some of the best interviews with musicians, artists and popstars that have ever been written.

He is leaving with a heavy heart and he will be sorely missed, not just by his colleagues but by the millions of people who have read his column over the years..

He's my pal too and I love him and I also know what its like to have to leave a job that you really love..
truth is its you never see it like a job, yes it pays some of the bills but that's not why we do it, there are way more secure and financially rewarding jobs out there, we do it for the love of it.

Also thinking of a few other lovely people who are leaving the paper today..
Everything comes to an end and its a new chapter.. all good and perfect as it is in this moment.

Am also chuffed that a piece I wrote will appear in this Sunday's supplement - fitting and I hope Billy
takes me up on the offer to join me for a wee holiday here in Tanzania..

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