Monday, 25 July 2011


s Graham's flatmate. She's in her 20's very pretty, from Uganda and works at Diageo at the Serengeti Brewery Company.
She loves Big Brother, The Kardashians, reading managment & leadership books and adores her role as a graduate training working at The Brewery.
She is from a very close family and has 2 sisters and talks ofter of her friend Elsie. Elsie also works with her, in IT and picks her up everyday to go to work.
I've never ever seen Victoria cook and she hardly ever goes out. She spends a lot of time on Facebook and she watches any DVD
that I pass onto her.

She calls me 'my dear' and we've gotten into the habit of leaving notes for each other and hanging out.  now that Graham is climbing Kilimanjaro we
spend girlie time together.. chewin the fat on the usual.. She's like me, in that neither of us read the news, so we don't discuss horror stories..we chat about
life, love and all that jazz. I've started passing on some of my books to her and she's currently loving Screw It Let;s Do It by Richard Branson.

I've suggested that we go out for dinner one night this week and she's up for that and she's also offered to cook us a Ugandan meal. I am up for that!

I hear her going to work every morning at around 7.30am, she is always immaculately turned out and has great taste in perfume.
She wears Carolina Herrera's 212. It is divine.

Last night we watched her friend Elsie's favourite TV shows, as her TV was on the blink. We drank tea and ate biscuits and laughed at the judges comments.
This time last week she was ill in bed with Malaria +++ which is pretty bad. She couldn't eat, had a very high temperature but was cold and was on strong meds.
I tried to help by giving her lots of fluid and vitamins and she had many visitors from her work - all bearing gifts and good will. She's a popular girl at work!
Very glad to see her back on form, she's been craving apples as she loves them but the sores in her mouth have prevented that.. she did manage the odd Hula Hoop
that i offered in her direction, so things must be on the up!!

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