Monday 13 June 2011

The Hanogver

I've never ever bought a pirate movie in my puff, try doing it in Tanzania! Actiually don't.
Piracy is a crime.

We pulled into a shopping area car park and were met by a number of locals
armed and smiley dangerous with literally hundreds of DVDs..
The car was surrounded by about 6 men, shoving piles of DVDs into the car.

2 for 6000 shillings.
10 000 shillings is £4. Go figure!?
The Hanogver 2 was great quality and I did laugh out loud once or twice.Can't remember any lines and was trying to explain to G that Superbad is way superior to The Hangover 1 and 2.
Have already seen The Kings Speech and read the book.. happy to watch it again with my friend.
That's tonights viewing methinks. I would love to watch African Queen after hy lovely friend CD gifted it to me on i tunes , however it takes forever to download here!!

Patience and all that...

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