Friday, 26 August 2011

The 10 Principles of Spiritual Optimism

When I first arrived here, I was a bit lost, so it appears that things have worked out just as they are meant to. It's been an amazing two weeks and this month will end beautifully with the opening of the Kind Heart Africa School and me making a life changing decision...( still contemplating bits and bobs )

I have read an inordinate amount of books since I arrived here, almost 3 months to the day, in fact it is 3 months to the day on Sunday, when the School opens - freaky timing!! Anyway, I can breathe a sigh of relief as I can now stay here until the 24th of September.

One of the books I read is Why is God Laughing by Deepak Chopra. I'm not a Chopra fan per se and the story in the book is pretty mince ( managed to swap it for a battered copy of Out of Africa at the Yacht Club in Tanga ) but there was one section which I really did enjoy and here is a summary of the most salient points :

The healthiest response to life is laughter.
There's always a reason to be grateful.
You belong to the scheme of the Universe.
There's nothing to be afraid of, you're safe.
Your soul cherishes every aspect of your life.
There is a plan and your soul knows what it is.
Ecstasy is the energy of spirit, when life flows, ecstasy is natural.
There is a creative solution to every problem.
Every possibility holds the promise of abundance.
Obstacles are opportunities in disguise.
Freedom is letting go.

Actually, that is 11.

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