Wednesday 10 August 2011


I am so lucky!
Met a beautiful man yesterday at the hotel. He has just arrived from Hungary and we started chatting. He's a photographer from Melbourne, on a bit of a world trip doing voluntary work teaching and also holding men's groups and doing therapy sessions. He is visiting 4 continents on his voluntary trip.

Dead ringer for a fit, young Dustin Hoffman and he has twinkly eyes and beautiful hands. He's very softly spoken, I think he's half Hungarian and half Australian. He is so laid back he's practically horizontal.
Am going to introduce him to Pannasekara as he is from Sri Lanka and Nino has also offered to take portraits of the children.

I met him on the day that my camera decided to not work : (
I'm seeing him for dinner later this evening, then we are going to meet Pannasekara.
He's off to Zanzibar at the weekend to take photos of hotels and Sarah has asked me to head over to her beach house in Znz to brainstorm for the Vodacom job.

He's very spiritual and from what I can gath is leading an incredibly enchanted life.. Free from stress, anxiety and worry and filled with beauty, adventure and meeting interesting people. A lot of what he spoke to me about completely resonates with me.

Looking forward to this evening, enjoying this moement and off for lunch. Thankfully the Somalian President has left the building and is heading back home~

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