Tuesday, 9 August 2011



Panna can speak a number of languages - I've heard him, ,myself speak Spanish, English and he is fluent in Kiswahili.
In Tanzania there are nearly 120 trines. In the past, tribal languages were used as the norm, however Prsident Nyere selected Kiswahili as the national language when Tanzania gained her independence in 1964. Kenya & Uganda also use this language to a lesser extent.

Learning the lingo stands you in good stead with the locals and apart from anything else, the majority of the population can't speak English.

Panna didn't go to classes, he learned by speaking with the guard at the temple - Hamisi, who introduced me to the bey boo fruit, or whatever it is called! He also told me to eat the nut in the middle, which as I have found out, you are not supposed to do!?

Anyway, he continued to learn on the bus, at the shops and in everyday situations and weirdly people think he is Africa from how the perceive how he sounds and how he looks.

There are lots of pix of Panna in Blog Pix on Facebook.

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